
Spelling Website: SpellingCity


Spelling Styles

"Why do we have to learn to spell? We can use a computer with a spellchecker!" The obvious answer is that knowing how to spell allows us to read and write with greater ease. Also, there are many times when people have to complete an application or write a paragraph without the aid of technology. Poor spelling creates a poor first impression.

Learning to spell involves much more than memorization alone. Most students can become competent spellers if they use ways that are compatible with their learning styles.

These studying techniques are also useful for learning in other areas. For example, you can use these strategies to learn vocabulary words and multiplication facts.

Choose the style that feels most comfortable for you.

Figure out your personal style by taking a fast quiz:

The three most common learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. To learn, we depend on our senses to process the information around us. Most people tend to use one of their senses more than the others.

Below, there is a series of questions that are related to the three main learning styles. Read the question and select the answer that closest fits your answer. Don't think about the questions too much. Go with your first choice. You can print a version of this quiz here.

After you answer each of these questions, see how many of your answers are in each column. The column with the most answers is your primary learning style. Sometimes people have two that all have about the same number of choices. Some people depend on two or more types of learning styles.

It is not unusual to use different learning styles for different tasks. That's why people can respond so differently to the same thing.

When you've figured out your learning style, you can find out what that means about the way you learn new things.





When you study for a test, would you rather:

read notes, read headings in a book, and look at diagrams and illustrations.

have someone ask you questions, or repeat facts silently to yourself.

write things out on index cards and make models or diagrams.

When you listen to music, you:

daydream (see things that go with the music) hum along move with the music, tap your foot, etc.

When you are happy, you are most likely to:

grin shout with joy jump for joy

When you tell a story, would you rather:

write it tell it out loud act it out

When you are trying to concentrate, you will be most distracted by:

a messy room noises other sensations like, hunger, tight shoes, or worry

When you are angry, you are most likely to:

scowl shout or "blow up" stomp off and slam doors

When you aren't sure how to spell a word, you will probably:

write it out to see if it looks right sound it out write it out to see if it feels right

When standing in a long line at the movies, you would:

look at posters advertising other movies talk to the person next to you tap your foot or move around in some other way

When you read, you:

like descriptive scenes and pause to imagine the action hear the characters talk in your head prefer lots of action

You like websites that have:

audio channels for music, chat and discussion.interesting design and visual effects.things I can click on and do.

You are going to make something special for your family. You would:

look for ideas and plans in books and magazines.talk it over with my friendsmake something you have made before

Remember when you learned how to play a new computer or board game. You learned best by:

clues from the diagrams in the instructionlistening to somebody explaining it and asking questionswatching others do it first

After reading a play you need to do a project. You would prefer to:

draw or sketch something that happened in the playread a speech from the playact out a scene from the play

You need to give directions to go to a house nearby. I would:

draw a map on a piece of paper or get a map onlinetell them the directionswalk with them

A new movie has arrived in town. What would most influence your decision to go (or not go)?

you see a preview of ityou hear friends talking about itit is similar to others you have liked

When choosing a book from the library, you would check out a book because:

the cover looks interesting a friend talks about it and recommends itit has real-life stories, experiences and examples

Visual Style

  1. Choose one word from your list. Look at the word: say it aloud, pronouncing all the sounds.
  2. Close your eyes and "see it."
  3. Open your eyes and write the word.
  4. Check for accuracy and write it again.
  5. Look up to the left and "see" the word in a bright color.
  6. Hide your written sample. Write again. Check for accuracy.
  7. Hide your sample. Write again in another color. Check.
  8. Repeat these steps with all the other words.
  9. Write each word several times. Check each time.

Auditory Style

  1. Choose one word off your list. Say the word.
  2. Sound it out, saying each letter or blend.
  3. Spell it aloud. Write it as you spell it aloud.
  4. Check for accuracy. Write again. Check.
  5. Sing the letters to the tune of a song you know.
  6. Say each letter clearly or blend slowly.
  7. Repeat these steps with all the other words.
  8. Write each word several times. Check each time.

Tactile-Kinesthetic Style

  1. Look at the word. Trace it with your index finger. Say the letters.
  2. Draw a box around thw word that follows the letter shapes. Notice what the drawing reminds you of.
  3. Write the word in shaving cream, salt on a paper plate, finger paint, pudding, etc.
  4. Punch out the letters in the air. Say a letter with each punch.
  5. Sing, act, or dance the word (in your mind is OK).
  6. Use your finger to write the words on a piece of sandpaper while saying them aloud.
  7. Write the word in the air. Write it on paper and check for accuracy.
  8. Hide your written sample. Write again. Check for accuracy.
  9. Repeat these steps with all the other words.
  10. Write each word several times. Check each time.

Multisensory Style

Use a combination of strategies from the other three styles. Suggested combinations:

  1. Look at the word. Pronounce all sounds.
  2. Visualize it with your eyes closed.
  3. Trace the letters with your finger, in the air or on sandpaper.
  4. Draw a box around the word.
  5. Sing, act, or dance the word.
  6. Write the word with your fingers on a partner's back.
  7. Write in colored chalk or markers.
  8. Repeat these steps with all other words.
  9. Write it after you study it each way. Check for accuracy each time.




Adapted from: TEACHING KIDS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES IN THE REGULAR CLASSROOM by Susan Winebrenner, Free Spirit Publishing Inc.